Look closely...can you see her? One of our bees gathering white dutch clover nectar. |
The bee is effective because of their sheer numbers. A good egg laying queen, during peak spring honey flow, will lay perhaps a 1000-1500 eggs a day! In just 21 days that will be another 1000- 1500 bees added to the colony. Of course, nearly that many are dying off each day as well. But a healthy colony will have perhaps fifty to a hundred thousand bees on any given day.
This time of year the Dutch white clover is the best source of nectar for the bees of central Kentucky. In the early spring honey locust is the finest source of nectar in our neck of the woods. But as the summer rolls on, fewer nectar producing flowers suitable to honey bees are available.
Our honey comes in two sizes presently, one pound jars: $9.00 without comb; $10.00 with comb, and in eight ounce jars without comb only: $5.00 |
If you are interested in purchasing or have questions about our honey please send us an email- BandEbeesky@gmail.com. We will be happy to ship anywhere in the U.S. at this time. Shipping charges will be calculated for your review before we complete the order. If your are in the central Ky area, we can make arrangements to deliver your honey.
Thanks for visiting B&E's Bees!